Tuesday, December 31, 2013

A debate with Norman Matloff

I am a member of chat group and we talk just about everything under the sun. Here is an exchange I had recently with UC Davis Professor Norman Matloff, a well known opponent to the H-1B visa, on China's President Xi Jinping visiting an inexpensive Beijing restaurant, queuing up and paying for his own meal. This is how I spent my time outside of tax season. :-) Here's an article covering the event, http://www.theatlantic.com/china/archive/2013/12/xi-jinping-eats-some-dumplings-at-a-restaurant/282719/
    Lots of pictures at this link, lots of food for $3.46.  I hope he finished his meal.

    To emphasize the government’s commitment to frugality, a casually dressed Xi was photographed yesterday queuing up to order and pay for his own meal at a branch of the Qingfeng Steamed Dumpling restaurant chain in Beijing. He chatted with fellow diners as he tucked in to a plate of green vegetables, steamed dumplings and a soup of stewed pig livers and intestines known as chaogan, according to photographs posted on the Xinhua website. His order cost 21 yuan ($3.46), according to a report on the Beijing News website.
    Gary Locke's influence?
    Not quite. I think Xi picked up from BO who stopped by SF Chinatown Restaurant to buy Dimsum to go for his staff

    I don't think Xi imitates anyone. His wife was seen walking into a concert with the general audience recently.

    The first U.S. president in recent history eating at restaurants was probably Bill Clinton.

    Gary Locke is far from Xi in terms of stature. Norm might as well said it was Norm Matloff's influence, assuming he does carry his own tray and order his own food. :-)

    I'm not sure you are aware of the incident I was alluding to, Guy.

    When Locke first came to China, he was seen carrying his own bags, and paying for coffee with a coupon at the airport Starbucks. This caused quite a stir in China, with the Chinese press referring to him as "the backpack ambassador."

    I don't know if you're aware Xi is the president of China while the highest office Locke has held was a state governor and a cabinet secretary.

    How much security does Locke get, compared to Obama? You may not think Xi has similar stature as Obama. But they are both head of their respective country; and China, FYI, has four times as many people.

    If Xi is that elitist, refusing to learn from someone "beneath" him, he's not a man of the people after all. I'm suprised you don't reject the idea that he emulated Obama, who heads a country 1/4 the size of China.

    Will an elitist go to lunch that costs only $3.46? God gave us a brain.

    I did mention Bill Clinton. If I remember correctly, he would stop by McDonald's during his jog.

    One thing you're really good at, though, making many unsubstantiated claims with so few words.

    I didn't make any claims, Guy. I merely suggested a possibility.

    Concerning your bringing up your "China is 4 times bigger" claim, we now see it was bogus.

    What a stupid thing to say! As I said, God gives us all a brain.

    That's your only response, Guy? If you think that you didn't contradict yourself on your 4X argument, please explain why.

    I don't think it's worth my time with someone who has no brain. Guess God didn't give everyone a brain after all. Too bad.

    It is indeed too bad, Guy. This was not your best day.

    In that case, do you mind if I publicize our exchange on this subject? I'll do it verbatim.

    Please do. I think that in piecing this together, you'll discover what I've been saying is true, i.e. that you indeed have been inconsistent.